As a trusted advisor to globally leading organisations in the clean energy transition, Peter Gutwein is passionate about the importance of renewable diversity and circular economies, and can support organisations with strategies to navigate the policy and stakeholder landscape.
“Along with the presentation by Governor Jay Enslee of Washington State (USA), Peter Gutwein’s contribution provided a highlight of the three day International Annual World Wind Energy Conference.
We were grateful for Peter’s strong participation.”
World Wind Energy Association
“As our Premier through COVID-19, Peter Gutwein had to make extraordinary decisions around closing Tasmania’s borders to the world, all while serving as Minister for the State’s critical tourism industry. His leadership, responsiveness, and compassion towards our tourism operators through this time has earned him the enduring respect of our industry.
Peter also articulated an exciting vision for Tasmania’s tourism future as one of the world’s first carbon-neutral visitor destinations, as well as a destination for world-class events.
Peter is an engaging, forthright, and direct speaker, who will bring unique real-world experiences in business, politics, and leadership.”
Former Chief Executive Officer
Tourism Industry Council Tasmania
“Peter is one of those rare individuals who possesses an incredible mind for detail, an ability to think strategically, an almost indefatigable level of self-discipline and a deep empathy for people around him.
Peter Gutwein is an engaging, articulate speaker who presents without notes and delivers key messages around complex topics in ways that ensure understanding and buy-in from the audience who he always leaves wanting more.”
Chief Executive Officer
Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce & Industry
“Peter has regularly been a key note speaker at Tasmanian Hospitality Association (THA) events. His presentation style especially in relation to challenging and difficult issues always had cut through. His knowledge and ability to present succinctly on the wide range of challenges and opportunities always impressed and amazed his audiences.
If you are seeking a speaker who understands the wider national perspective but who also gets the day to day challenge of being in business then Peter Gutwein is someone who ‘can walk the talk’.”
Chief Executive Officer
Tasmanian Hospitality Association
“Peter generously shared his story, along with deep personal insights about leadership and integrity, and is one of the best leadership speakers I have listened to.”
Tasmanian Leaders Program
“One of the best leadership speakers I have listened to. Amazing. He’s a real inspiration. I’m not a political person but it is so wonderful seeing somebody with such integrity and drive, yet so focused on his family.”
Tasmanian Leaders Program
“Peter Gutwein was an inspiring speaker at our recent club meeting extended to visitors and guests.
Post-politics Peter has attracted a portfolio of interesting board and consulting leadership roles in the for-purpose and business/innovation sectors to make a positive impact in Tasmania.”